Konstnärliga möten: Från det personliga till den offentliga konstens politik

Ingvild Hovland Kaldal, Time is space and something else, 2022. Foto: Joakim Sandqvist

Nyfiken på att arbeta med offentlig konst? Välkommen till en eftermiddag på Konstfrämjandet Skåne där Helena Fernández-Cavada och Jens Henricson presenterar hur Konstnärscentrum Syd arbetar med uppdrag inom offentlig konst. Vi följer upp presentationen med en workshop där vi kollektivt reflekterar kring den offentliga konsten i Malmö.

PlatsÖstergatan 9, Malmö
Datum11 maj 2023

Den här eftermiddagen riktar sig till dig som är konstnär och intresserad av att arbeta med offentlig konst eller inom offentligt rum. Presentationen och workshopen kommer vara på engelska.

Du behöver inte vara medlem i Konstnärscentrum Syd för att delta. Att delta är gratis och kräver ingen föranmälan, men det är ett begränsat antal platser så kom i tid.

11 maj
Östergatan 9, Malmö
Dryck och tilltugg!

Varmt välkomna!

From the personal to the politics of public art
Presentation and workshop with Konstnärscentrum Syd and Konstfrämjandet Skåne

May 11
Östergatan 9, Malmö
Free of charge + no pre-registration needed
There will be drinks and snacks

During the afternoon we will share ideas, questions and procedures of working within public art.

First, the working methods and aims at Konstnärscentrum Syd will be presented, describing in which ways artists are supported, and how to elaborate on better working conditions for the cultural sector. In addition to member activities and our political work, there will be an emphasis on the organization’s work with public projects: procedures, structures and outcomes.

Secondly, we will have a collective workshop where we set on the table our own experiences and relations with public art in the city of Malmö, in an effort to understand together some of the different layers that public art operates on. The departure of the activity is from the personal bond that inhabitants establish with public art, then moving into the meaning-making of these works, their political connotations and the exclusions and inclusions that art performs in the public room.

The presentation and workshop will be hosted by Helena Fernández-Cavada and Jens Henricson from Konstnärscentrum Syd.

Helena Fernández-Cavada, multidisciplinary artist living in Malmö. My practice moves between form and politics (how this affects each other), exploring how to tie the act of daily drawing to functions and dialogue in the world, with the intent to open a public debate on the issues that matter. The conditions of reception often compromise the different modes of research and manifestation: drawing, publication, video installation, exhibition-making, intervention in the public space, performance and diverse forms of collaborations. In the last few years a new phase of my work is rising, moving from political positions to an attitude towards wonder. I am looking into how art contributes with experiences that enrich our constant process of becoming, exploring how visual and sound landscapes can relate to the public and facilitate a space for existential well being.

Jens Henricson, multidisciplinary artist living in Malmö. A commonality throughout my artistic practice is, for some time now, an interest in how our identities are formed. The projects deal with themes where thoughts on how objects, memories, feelings, myths and stories purvey meaning to us. In the last few years, I have returned to the garden. The works deal with the layers of human experience that the greenhouses and objects refer to. It is made clear in literature, that the garden has, apart from supplying necessities, several areas of use. It is used for reflection, as a religious symbol and as an expression of power. Time is an important factor; the garden is a never ending process, life and death constantly interchanging. We exist in the garden and are a part of it. At the same time, man’s and art’s relation to nature becomes visible.

Konstnärliga möten

Det här är den första av tre tematräffar under titeln Konstnärliga Möten som riktar sig till konstnärer, arrangerat av Konstnärscentrum Syd och Konstfrämjandet Skåne.

Kommande träffar är den 7 september och 16 november 2023.